SIT - Partner Payment Preferences

Set payment preferences on partner form : preferred payment method and destination bank account.
Those preferences will be used to set the defaults on invoice.

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=========================== Partner Payment Preferences ===========================

.. |badge1| image:: :target: :alt: Mature .. |badge2| image:: :target: :alt: License: AGPL-3 .. |badge3| image:: ../../simplicit-core_github_badge.png :target: :alt: Simplicit-core/Accounting

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This module allows you to set payment preferences on partner form : preferred payment method and destination bank account. Those preferences will be used to set the defaults on invoice.

Table of contents

.. contents:: :local:


No configuration required.

Once installed, this modules adds payment preferences on partner form : preferred payment method and destination bank account.

.. figure:: ./static/description/partner_form_with_payment_preferences.png :scale: 80 % :alt: Partner Form with Payment Preferences

Note that the payment method depends on the Bank Journal of the selected Destination Bank Account : only payment methods available in this Bank Journal can be selected

--> Those preferences are used to set the defaults on customer invoice.

--> Those defaults on invoice then sets the defaults on payment when using the "Register Payment" button (this latest part is standard Odoo behavior).


Authors ~~~~~~~

  • SimplicIT

Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~