SIT - Sale General condition

Module that add a general condition on sale orders

Not Available For Sale

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Type d'abonnement: Socle

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=========================== Sale General Conditions ===========================

.. |badge1| image:: :target: :alt: Mature .. |badge2| image:: :target: :alt: License: AGPL-3 .. |badge3| image:: ../../simplicit-core_github_badge.png :target: :alt: Simplicit-core/Sale

|badge1| |badge2| |badge3|

This module allows you to define various Sale General Conditions.

Standard Odoo only offers the possibility to configure one default General Conditions for your company (as basic text). This module allows to you define as many as you want, as rich text (html), then select one when creating a Sale Order.

Note: same module exists for Purchase General Conditions.

Table of contents

.. contents:: :local:


  • Configure your define various General Conditions from Sale > Configuration > Sale General Conditions.

.. figure:: ./static/description/sit_sale_general_condition.png :scale: 80 % :alt: Sale General Condition

  • Select one on your Quotation/Sale Order form

  • If a Sale General Condition is selected on the sale order, it will appear at the end of the printed PDF


Authors / Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~