Work In Progress...

Nous sommes en cours de nettoyage, classement, traduction, description, etc...

Bref, c'est publié pour vous donner une première idée, mais il nous reste du travail.

SIT - Purchase rights without account
Remove create/update/delete rights to purchase users
SIT - Product restrict security

Create a new group 'Products manager' to manage products
SIT - Purchase viewer

Create a new security group Purchase Viewer, allowing readonly access to purchase module.
SIT - Project security group create
Add new security group to create/edit project
SIT - Documents Unlink Group
Add unlink group on documents folder
SIT - Sale Margin Visibility

Restricts the visbility of cost and margin on Sale Orders and Products to a specific group.
SIT - Accounting viewer by journal

Allow accounting journal access to followers only
SIT - Product restrict security MRP

Extends module 'sit_product_restrict_security' to take in account module MRP
SIT - Login with Office 365
Login with office 365
OAuth Multi Token
Allow multiple connection with the same OAuth account