Work In Progress...

Nous sommes en cours de nettoyage, classement, traduction, description, etc...

Bref, c'est publié pour vous donner une première idée, mais il nous reste du travail.

OAuth Multi Token
Allow multiple connection with the same OAuth account
SIT - Accounting viewer by journal

Allow accounting journal access to followers only
SIT - Documents Unlink Group
Add unlink group on documents folder
SIT - Login with Office 365
Login with office 365
SIT - Product restrict security

Create a new group 'Products manager' to manage products
SIT - Product restrict security MRP

Extends module 'sit_product_restrict_security' to take in account module MRP
SIT - Project security group create
Add new security group to create/edit project
SIT - Purchase rights without account
Remove create/update/delete rights to purchase users
SIT - Purchase viewer

Create a new security group Purchase Viewer, allowing readonly access to purchase module.
SIT - Sale Margin Visibility

Restricts the visbility of cost and margin on Sale Orders and Products to a specific group.