Work In Progress...

Nous sommes en cours de nettoyage, classement, traduction, description, etc...

Bref, c'est publié pour vous donner une première idée, mais il nous reste du travail.

  • Sous-traitance
SIT - Delivery Proof Documents

Specific module to manage delivery proof within documents module.
SIT - Force Purchase Order as Fully Invoiced

Mark a purchase order as fully invoiced, even though Odoo is saying otherwise.
SIT - MRP Subcontracting explicit
Show additional subcontracting fields on PO & picking
SIT - MRP subcontracting explicit inhibit
Link between subcontracting explicit and inhibit modules
SIT - Purchase Delivery Proof
Purchase Delivery Proof
SIT - Purchase General condition

Module that add a general condition on purchase orders
SIT - Purchase Subscription analytic
Make analytic account mandatory in purchase subscriptions
SIT - Purchase filter received
Add received filters on purchase orders
SIT - Purchase rights without account
Remove create/update/delete rights to purchase users
SIT - Purchase viewer

Create a new security group Purchase Viewer, allowing readonly access to purchase module.
SIT - Sale and Purchase analytic
Make analytic account mandatory in purchase orders, sale orders and invoices