Work In Progress...

Nous sommes en cours de nettoyage, classement, traduction, description, etc...

Bref, c'est publié pour vous donner une première idée, mais il nous reste du travail.

  • CRM
  • Abonnements
SIT - Disable Assign Mail
Disable assign mails on sale orders and invoices
Sale and Purchase Partner Approval
Adds partner approval before using it in sales and purchases
SIT - Sale General condition

Module that add a general condition on sale orders
SIT - Sale line non invoiceable
Sale line with total to zero will not be considered as invoiceable
SIT - Sale and Purchase analytic
Make analytic account mandatory in purchase orders, sale orders and invoices
SIT - Sale subscription line section

Add line section and notes to subscriptions
Sale order create invoices split

Add the ability to degroup the creation invoices from sale orders
SIT - Force Sale Order as Fully Invoiced

Mark a sale order as fully invoiced, even though Odoo is saying otherwise.
SIT - Sale Margin Visibility

Restricts the visbility of cost and margin on Sale Orders and Products to a specific group.
SIT - Sale Report Margin Percent

Adds the 'Margin (%)' field in the Sale Analysis Report.
SIT - Sale Subscriptions Invoicing

Module permettant de configurer le mode de génération des factures sur des bons de commande récurrents.
SIT - Sale Order Update Prices

This module offers different possibility to update prices on already confirmed sale orders.
SIT - Sale discount

Permet une gestion avancée des remises sur les commandes de vente
SIT - Website CRM Multi-Company

Module permettant d'utiliser la création d'opportunité depuis un formulaire du Site Web dans un contexte de site web
unique pour plusieurs sociétés.