Work In Progress...

Nous sommes en cours de nettoyage, classement, traduction, description, etc...

Bref, c'est publié pour vous donner une première idée, mais il nous reste du travail.

  • Achats
  • Assistance
  • Web
  • Maintenance
  • Comptabilité
  • CRM et Ventes
  • Documents
  • Employés
  • Fabrication
  • Gestion des mails
  • Inventaire
  • Projets
  • Workflow
  • Sécurité
  • Technique/Base
SIT - Partner archive reason
Specify a reason when archiving a contact.
SIT - Ir Attachement Image compression
Compress images in ir attachments
SIT - Helpdesk ticket block mails
Block stage mails to send from tickets
SIT - Stock picking type scheduler

Module to exclude certain types of picking from Odoo scheduler.
SIT - Check Serial Number

Module to backport the serial number check made by Odoo at picking validation from V15 to V14.
SIT - Mail Activity Board

Inherits the OCA modules 'Mail Activity Board' to add the possibility to open the origin document from the calendar view
SIT - Microsoft Calendar Sync Range

Change first sync range for Microsoft Calendar
SIT - Default everybody calendar
Default enable everybody's calendar filter
SIT - Product restrict security

Create a new group 'Products manager' to manage products
SIT - Product expiry improved

Aims to improve how expiry/alert dates are computed by Odoo
SIT - Expiration date editable

Allow edition of the expiration date on stock move line if picking type is set to use existing lots
SIT - Purchase viewer

Create a new security group Purchase Viewer, allowing readonly access to purchase module.
SIT - Force Purchase Order as Fully Invoiced

Mark a purchase order as fully invoiced, even though Odoo is saying otherwise.
SIT - Subtask improvement
Add features to subtask management
SIT - Project type tags
Add the possibility to define tags on project types
SIT - Project tags
Create specific tags for project tasks
SIT - Project security group create
Add new security group to create/edit project
SIT - Mail Template Rights

Create a new right group in order to declare users allowed to manage Mail Templates in Odoo
SIT - eLearning Survey Improvement gamification

Move tab gamification on employee form to the tab 'Internal training'