Work In Progress...

Nous sommes en cours de nettoyage, classement, traduction, description, etc...

Bref, c'est publié pour vous donner une première idée, mais il nous reste du travail.

  • Achats
  • Assistance
  • Web
  • Maintenance
  • Comptabilité
  • CRM et Ventes
  • Documents
  • Employés
  • Fabrication
  • Gestion des mails
  • Inventaire
  • Projets
  • Workflow
  • Sécurité
  • Technique/Base
SIT - Website recurring courses

Allow attendees to do multiple times the same courses.
Base Tier Validation Bypass
Allow for specific group users to bypass tier validation
SIT - Tier validation notification
Specific module to notify followers by sequence
SIT - CRM Mail Activity Stage

Extends module sit_mail_activity_stage to take in account CRM leads
SIT - Helpdesk Mail Activity Stage

Extends module sit_mail_activity_stage to take in account helpdesk tickets
SIT - Mail Activity Stage

Create automatically activities and/or data checks for objects with stages in Odoo
SIT - Mail Activity Stage Document

This module fixes a bug when an document upload activity is created via the workflow module
SIT - Project Mail Activity Stage

Adds workflow options in project stages
SIT - Quality Mail Activity Stage

Create automatically activities for module Quality. Restrict stage changemement if not done.
Invoice validation wizard

Quick wizard to avoid validating an invoice too quickly
SIT - Accounting viewer by journal

Allow accounting journal access to followers only
SIT - Default fiscal position

Get the default fiscal position from the selected country on partners.
SIT - Payment term day decade

Extend payment terms to add day decade after invoice date
SIT - Data merge remove duplicates
Remove duplicates from deduplication rule
SIT - Simplicit Odoo progress
Manage multi steps process progression through odoo interface
Sale order create invoices split

Add the ability to degroup the creation invoices from sale orders
SIT - Force Sale Order as Fully Invoiced

Mark a sale order as fully invoiced, even though Odoo is saying otherwise.
SIT - Sale Margin Visibility

Restricts the visbility of cost and margin on Sale Orders and Products to a specific group.
SIT - Sale Report Margin Percent

Adds the 'Margin (%)' field in the Sale Analysis Report.
SIT - Document Request Activites

Add a link of the requested document to the document it self